First Appearance: Triple Comics #1
Alter ego: Camella Overton
Affiliation(s): The Alternates
Location: Vantucky, U.S.A.
Abilities: Master of Krav Maga
Extremely Conservative Woman is the enema of justice to the dark crime ridden bowels of Rose City. Gathering random clothes found in the back of her closet, Extremely Conservative Woman patrols the streets.
Creation and concept #
Extremely Conservative Woman was created as a foil for Totally Naked Man in Triple Comics. Over time, the character developed to be Totally Naked Man’s crime fighting partner. To be opposite to Totally Naked Man’s revealing physique, Extremely Conservative Woman wears a sweater with tights and a cape.
Publication History #
Extremely Conservative Woman first appeared, along with Totally Naked Man, in the ashcan comic Triple Comics in 1996, by Illya King. She was also in another ashcan comic called Cheap Tales of Muscle Bound heroes in 1998.
Extremely Conservative Woman has been featured in 7 of the 11 issues of Naked Man Comics. She also is in the Totally Naked Man the Webcomic series.
Comics and Comic books #
In Triple Comics, Totally Naked Man runs a fowl with a monstrous alien with evil intentions in New York City. The defeat of the alien is watched by Extremely Conservative Woman (who disapproves of a naked superhero). The story was revised in another ashcan comic titled “Cheap Tales of Muscle Bound Heroes” in 1998.
In the second half of Naked Man Comics #1, Totally Naked Man walks by an electronics store to hear about dinosaurs appearing in the southwestern part of the United States. Totally Naked Man, as his civilian identity Alzheimer Fresco, to request some vacation. Once approved, Al Fresco calls Extremely Conservative Woman to help. Extremely Conservative Woman is annoyed with Totally Naked Man because he attached an empty horse trailer to their travel car. Totally Naked Man explains that the trailer is not empty but is holding The Horseless Horse. Extremely Conservative Woman is unimpressed. The team enters an old west saloon. They are interrupted by a loud meow from a dinosaur. The old west patrons leave the saloon to capture the giant beast. A man with no name arrives on horseback to team with Totally Naked Man and his friends. Meanwhile, the Greek God Cronus reveals that he’s responsible for the time distortions. The team of Totally Naked Man ride on horseback to confront the Greek God. Cronus is impervious to their attacks until a mysterious force trips the god and forces him back through is time portal. With Cronus dispatched, the mysterious cowboy disappears along with everything else.
All the villains in Rose City meet Vega Bond at one of his businesses, in Naked Man Comics #6. Bond has a plan to organize the villains against the heroes of Rose City. The Asalter assaults a little girl’s ice cream. Shawn and Catherine rob Old Town Pizza. The Roach slashes Zetaman’s tires. Villains have taken over the city. Totally Naked Man faces The Extreme Factor Five in Old Town Chinatown. The evil team throws Totally Naked Man off a roof and breaks his foot. Extremely Conservative Woman fights the evil team and saves Totally Naked Man. While Totally Naked Man is recuperating, he receives a call from Vega Bond. Bond challenges the heroes to a wrestling match. The heroes, sans Totally Naked Man, meet at Waterfront Park. New heroes like iHero and The Android, Chris Justice, and Civitron join the heroes of Rose City. The wrestling champion of the seven seas, Aqua Gato, also joins. The wrestling match is at the Rose Quarter. The heroes wrestle the villains. Most of the villains are taken out and retire. The Asalter is the only villain left. The villain makes short work of the heroes, including depowering the robot The Android. Aqua Gato fights The Asalter and loses. The Android turns back on and stops The Asalter. After winning the match, The Android is revealed to be Totally Naked Man.
Superhero and The Siamese Cat travel to Rose City to stop The Opossum in Naked Man Comics #8. The dynamic duo from Clearwater, Florida teams with Totally Naked Man and Extremely Conservative Woman. The team puts an end to the Opossum’s plans, which are backed secretly by Vega Bond.
In part two of Naked Man Comics #9, Totally Naked Man and Extremely Conservative Woman must travel to Cherry City to meet a new group of heroes, the Cherry City Costumed Crusaders. Extremely Conservative does not want to go because of her past. The C4 team, made of Hazmat and The Reverend, are on the hunt for the leader of the clown-themed street gang, who is also the brother of Extremely Conservative Woman. The team of heroes face off against the Squeaky Greasers while Extremely Conservative Woman has a hard talk with her brother, Cletus. Extremely Conservative Woman is unable to convince her brother to change, so she arrests him.
In the Drama of The Gods webcomic, the custody of Cronus is debated between Olympus and Tartarus. Through the confusion, The Norse Gods frees Cronus. Odin is unhappy on how the Greek Pantheon is represented in the media. Meanwhile, Zetaman and Extremely Conservative Woman talk to Totally Naked Man about his gimmick. They are interrupted by delegates from Olympus, Momus, Aura, and Delphin. They need help locating The Horseless Horse, the only power to stop Cronus. Totally Naked Man reveals his secret to contact, in the Blue Mountains The Horseless Horse. Once Totally Naked Man verifies that the cosmic being is with the heroes, they find Cronus. Cronus plans to turn Olympus into a tourist trap, thereby diluting the majesty and prestige of the location. The Norse Gods hear the plan and are frustrated with Cronus for wasting their time. A battle ensues. Cronus’ Rose City headquarters in enveloped in a ball of energy. Totally Naked Man attributes this to The Horseless Horse, which Extremely Conservative Woman disagrees with. The Norse Gods and Cronus are sent to Tartarus. Hades, frustrated with the situation, locks them all up.
In Totally Naked Man the Coloring Book, The Yellow Skull robs Margulis Jewelers. Totally Naked Man tracks the villain down to the Rose City State University. The Yellow Skull is about to become the fourth member of The Agents of S.H.A.Q.. Totally Naked Man and Extremely Conservative Woman stops the villain.
Character Overview #
Personality #
Extremely Conservative Woman acts as a moral barometer for all heroes innovative yet radical methods of crime fighting. Despite the wackiness of her fellow heroes, Extremely Conservative Woman is dedicated to being there for her friends. Extremely Conservative Woman is quick to anger and doesn’t tolerate fools and idiots.
In Naked Man Comics #9, it was revealed that Extremely Conservative Woman came from Cherry City. Extremely Conservative Woman escaped the trailer park she lived in with her family for Rose City. Her brother, Cletus, was distraught for being left alone. Cletus became leader of the clown-themed street gang, The Squeaky Greasers.
Powers, abilities, and weaknesses #
Conservative Woman trains in the combat defense system known as Krav Maga.
Supporting characters #
Extremely Conservative Woman is friendly to most heroes, Her only superhero friend is Totally Naked Man. Extremely Conservative Woman has a intense dislike for Ms. Max The Mighty Marvel.
External Links #
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